Tuesday, June 28, 2011

New Yorkers are such assholes!!

Amanda and I loved to come up to New York and visit before we moved here.  It seemed like every time we came up here, there was some pompous know-it-all asshole in the subway trying to help us when we couldn't find our way around town through the rail system!  I mean, the audacity of these people to ask us if we need help just because we're looking at a map!

Oh!  And then there was the day we were meeting up with a friend who was in town visiting.  We had just moved to Brooklyn and could officially consider ourselves "New Yorkers" when we popped out of the subway downtown Manhattan and this old guy, who was ordering some other poor person around (probably some tourist!), took my momentary pause to orientate myself as me not knowing where to go and demands to help out.  Being the southern gentleman that I am and not wanting to be a dick, I kindly tell him we just need to find south.  This prick not only guides me south, but explains the cross streets and "helps" me get my orientation.

And just the other day, there was a group of Asian teens cutting up and goofing off on the F train when an elderly woman got on at one of the stops.  This one kid had the gall to get up and let her have his seat!  Like she can't stand or something!  Like her fucking legs are broken!

I'm getting too worked up over this...I'll report more later.  Fuckin' New Yorkers!

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