Monday, June 27, 2011

Je Suis Fatigué.

It's been a bit since I've been able to blog.  I went back to Charlotte, NC for Brennan and Hannah Roth's wedding.  It was awesome!  It was also really nice to get back to Charlotte for a few days and catch up with some friends and actually drive a car around town!

Amanda and I went by our old house.  It was a bit weird, but I didn't really have the emotional response I thought I might.  I think this entire move to NY is still a bit surreal.  Leaving NYC for five days, then returning to our Brooklyn apartment definitely helps make New York feel more like home.

So, nobody told me to stop talking about our move-in experience, therefore I will pick up where I left off on my last check-in.

(Brief note: When we came back home from the wedding, there was still nothing express about the Staten Island Expressway.  In fact, we found that they even mock us by posting 50 mph speed limits.)

Okay, the move in.  As I stated in my last blog, we made it to our new apartment at 7:00pm.  The suck thing is, we were supposed to be here at 6:30pm for the two guys that we hired to help us move in.  By the time we got here and got the truck in position and the keys to our apartment, it was close to 7:30.  As this was a Saturday, our hired help had to be done by 8:00, but agreed to stay until 8:30 to help us out.  Since we got such a late start, we asked them to focus on the big stuff.

We are on the top floor of a four story walk up...with a narrow stairwell.  I know you're thinking, "That sucks, but you have help, so it shouldn't be too bad.  All you have to do is grab the small stuff."

And you would be totally correct in thinking that, if, the day prior we hadn't had to spend half a day in Charlotte heat and humidity packing the truck!  Then driving an hour to Waxhaw only to load more into the truck.  Then stay up way too late to get as much family time in as we could before we went to bed, got up way too early and spent way too long on the road driving.  By the time we got to Brooklyn all we wanted to do was get a bite to eat, lay down and go to sleep.  But no...we still had to move our stuff up three flights of stairs and into our new home.  AND...because the staircase was so narrow and the help limited, I had to jump in on several occasions to help get the big stuff upstairs.

About half way through, Amanda and I were beyond exhausted.  Our legs were on the verge of giving out.  We just didn't have it in us anymore, physically.  So I called for backup.  Joey Westcott became our savior that night!!  He showed up and just jumped in!  He was grabbing stuff and running upstairs and setting it down.  He was like Superman to our Handyman.  We couldn't have finished without him!

One of our movers made a deal with me...he would give me another 15 minutes if I would allow him to use our restroom to freshen up so he could get to Manhattan.  I would be an idiot to deny him!  Even if he couldn't give me the extra 15 minutes, I would be an asshole to deny him!  By the time the movers were done, all of our big items were in the apartment.  Joey stuck it in there with us until it was over completely.  Just as we were grabbing the last of the small stuff, the rain started.  It held off as long as it could.

For anyone out there that thinks all New Yorkers are just a bunch of assholes, let me give you a different idea of what I've experienced.  As the movers and I were trying to figure out where to pull the truck up to be as close as possible to the building, one of my neighbors came out to help.  He moved his car, then his motorcycle.  He opened the gate in front of my building and helped guide the truck back into the driveway.  When we finished up, he came back to help close everything up and get the truck out.  That was just our first experience with New Yorkers.  There will be more to come...

With love,

Your NYC Scrub

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