Thursday, June 2, 2011

Have ambition, will work...some.

So, I've been in Brooklyn for about two and a half weeks and I've accomplished just about nothing.  I've barely looked for work.  Still haven't completely settled into the apartment.  Still haven't changed my phone number.  Still haven't gotten a NYS driver license.  Still haven't canceled insurance on our old house or car.  Still haven't cleaned the apartment to my liking or expectations.  Honestly, most of this comes out of being overwhelmed.  There is just so much to do and I'm so unfamiliar with the area.  They say you can pretty much do anything in NYC, but all I really want to do is hang out with my friends from Charlotte, drink a cold beer at Sanctuary and drive my car to South Park mall and walk around in the A/C.

Don't get me wrong, I love living in Brooklyn!  When Amanda and I get out and walk around Prospect Park or I meet up with her at Bryant Park for lunch during the week, everything feels great and right!  I think I just have too much time to think while sitting on my ever-expanding ass while watching SportsCenter and wondering what time Amanda is going to be off of work.  Mix in a few trips downstairs to let the dogs out (which is just enough movement to get me sweating again) and you pretty much have my typical weekday.

I did recently send my headshot off to three different projects on Actors' Access but heard nothing back.  I also submitted my resume to a feature film that shoots in NYC in July to work as crew, but still waiting on that as well.  I found the "perfect" job yesterday online for an Office/Studio Manager position at a photography studio and submitted my resume to them.  I say "perfect" because the breakdown almost seemed to be written for me!  It's essentially what I did for over two years working for Stephanie Chesson in Charlotte.  Still waiting to hear from them as well.  We'll see how "perfect" they find me to be.

Part of my reasoning for not finding a job is my career.  I need to find a job that I can work and still be able to audition and act.  I also would like to take classes, but those cost money, which I don't have...cause I don't work.  I also need to update my headshots...again, money.  I feel like I had the perfect balance in Charlotte, but it took time for me to find.  I just need to be patient and the balance will come.

I think I've rambled enough.  Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. I completely relate. 2 months and I am still unemployed and its starting to get to me. I am trying to strike that same balance. Have to make connections again and find a job that lets me do my "real" work. Good luck with the film and the photo studio.
