Monday, June 6, 2011

Anyone out there?

So I started a blog...which means I need to keep up with a blog.  I had two friends read it (that I know of) and figured I should just keep writing, if even just for the two of them!

So here it goes...

I received a card from my parents on Friday for my birthday.  There was a nice check in said card.  I have money!!  I also received a check from my agent for an industrial shoot I did a few months back that I totally forgot about.  Score!!  (On a side note, I'm hoping my agent doesn't read this and figure since I forgot about that one, I'll forget about any others and just stop paying me!)

So, without a proper job in Brooklyn, I've managed to make some money to keep me afloat!  Now I just have to wait patiently for my Army Wives residual checks to come in!

Okay, back to the job deal...I'm still not working, obviously.  I have a lot of time to sit around and think of ideas, then not write them down, and totally forget them.  By ideas, I mean for shorts or scripts or comedy routines.  I feel like this is the place where I need to be the most creative.  I think I have an idea for short comedy, but I need to write it and figure out how to get it shot.  Maybe I'll just do it!  That's what it takes, right?  Just going out and doing it!?  Nothing gets done sitting on my ass, except some writing and this blog.

I'm going home next week.  When I return, I must hit the ground running and accomplish something!  I'll let you know how that goes.

I'm loving Brooklyn more and more!  Went out this past weekend and met some really cool peeps that live in the neighborhood and are from Charlotte.  Funny story actually.  Went out for my birthday on Friday night, Jim came out and chilled for a bit then went home to rest up for another long day of work.  He crossed paths with Kris who arrived with shots in hand.  Got to catch up with him for a while when his friends Derek and Erica showed up.  Hung out with them, Amanda and Erica hit it off and Derek and I had a good time as well (at least I hope he did, too).  Ended up going back to their place to chill after leaving the bar.  At the end of the night (around 3:30am) we decided to leave.  Derek and I went to exchange numbers.  As he was programming my number, my name popped up.  I was already in his phone!  I decided to check my phone and...sure enough, there he was!  We were both to messed up to really think about it that night, but we obviously had met at some point prior.

I digress.  Amanda and I also did some work on the apartment on Sunday to make it feel a bit more like home, so we feel better about that as well.  I took a long walk today up to the Target at Flatbush and Atlantic, right next to the currently-constructing Brooklyn Nets arena.  Good walk.  Love the neighborhood.  Took care of some business I've been putting off.  Feels good to check things off my list.  Still feeling like a scrub!  Especially when Amanda gives me cash for spending.  Glad I got some money of my own to spend now!

I think I've said enough.  I'll try to write again tomorrow.  Thanks for checking in!

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