Wednesday, July 20, 2011


If you are related to Amanda or me, you might want to stop reading now.

You're still reading...STOP!

Okay, just don't bring it up later!

Keep in mind we've only been in NY for a little over two months...and those months have been from warm to hot!

That said, spontaneous sex is out of the question!  Unless you are completely immune to the musty smell of the netherlands, a shower is absolutely needed before engaging in physical fun time.

Maybe it's just us!  Maybe most people don't care!  I'm sure there will be a point in time when we just throw in the towel and get used to stinky, sweaty sex.

Now don't get me wrong, sweaty sex is awesome!  But this isn't just sweaty sex.  This is walking around New York City, layer of grime on skin, hair slicked back from the sweat, soaked through clothing, in need of Gold Bond sweat.  This isn't that roll over for post-coital heavy breathing, dry off under a ceiling fan while still reaching for a boob sweat.  This is that lay down and push every cover to the middle of the bed, get the dog away from me, I love you but please don't touch me right now I feel gross, I usually fall asleep touching my own junk but I don't want to sour my hands sweat!  I guess my point is, THIS IS NOT SEXY SWEAT!

I have been a morning showerer for as long as I can remember.  The only time this routine typically changes is when I have to be up really early for something and showering the night before will buy me 20 more minutes of sleep the next morning.  I like being a morning showerer.  It helps wake me up!  It's a great way to start the day!  I constantly resist the need to be the night time showerer.  Usually it is because I'm just too damn tired to shower at night and I just want to go to bed.

"Why not shower early in the evening so when you get tired you can just go to bed?"

Good question.  Here's my answer:

I have two dogs that I have to harness and leash and walk down three flights of stairs and out into the street to stand in the heat while they piss and shit and then pick up said shit and walk back up those three flights of stairs and unharness them and then go to bed.  By the time I'm done with that, I'm usually sweating again.  Yes, part of it has to do with the fact that I'm out of shape.  Yes, part of it has to do with the fact that I'm a sweaty person.  Maybe in the fall things will be different.  But for now, it's gross.

Keep in mind we have A/C units in our bedroom and in the living room.  I've seen a lot of apartments without A/C units!  Can you imagine the overwhelming, perpetual ball smell slapping you in the face there?

Now, you may have noticed that I'm only referencing the smell of the male genitalia and I have done so for very good reason.  My wife smells like roses.

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